Welcome, I am Qing Shi (ηŸ³ι’).

I am currently an MPhil student at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou). Before that, I obtained my B.Eng. degree from Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics, supervised by Prof. Zhiguang Zhou and Prof. Yuhua Liu. During the gap years, I worked as a Research Assistant at HKUST-CIVAL, HKUST (GZ) for 1.5 years, supervised by Prof. Wei Zeng.

My research areas include Data Visualization (VIS), Visual Analytics (VA), and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), especially Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST). I published 7 research papers in top-tier journals and conferences, such as IEEE TVCG, IEEE T-ITS, CGF, and IEEE VIS.

πŸ”₯ News

  • [2024/08] πŸŽ‰Our paper 'EBPVis: Visual Analytics of Economic Behavior Patterns in a Virtual Experimental Environment'  is accepted to CGF!
  • [2024/05] πŸŽ‰Our paper 'NFTracer: Tracing NFT Impact Dynamics in Transaction-flow Substitutive Systems with Visual Analytics'  is accepted to IEEE TVCG!
  • [2023/12] I left HKUST-CIVAL and HKUST (GZ).
  • [2023/11] πŸŽ‰Our paper 'MetroBUX: A Topology-Based Visual Analytics for Bus Operational Uncertainty EXploration'  is accepted to IEEE T-ITS!
  • [2023/09] πŸŽ‰Our paper 'Does Where You are Matter? A Visual Analytics System for COVID-19 Transmission Based on Social Hierarchical Perspective'  is accepted to VINCI 2023!
  • [2023/07] πŸŽ‰Our paper 'TimeTuner: Diagnosing Time Representations for Time-Series Forecasting with Counterfactual Explanations'  is accepted to IEEE VIS 2023!
  • [2022/09] πŸ†Our poster MetroBUX got 'Best poster honorable mention' at ChinaVis 2022!
  • [2022/07] Starting my visualization journey as a Research Assistant @ HKUST-CIVAL with Prof. Wei Zeng!
  • [2022/06] πŸŽ‰I obtained my B.Eng. @ZUFE!

πŸ“ Publications

† - Equal Contribution * - Corresponding Author(s)


NFTracer: Tracing NFT Impact Dynamics In Transaction-Flow Substitutive Systems With Visual Analytics

Yifan Cao, Qing Shi, Lue Shen, Kani Chen, Yang Wang, Wei Zeng*, Huamin Qu

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2024, Accepted.

[Paper] [Link]


EBPVis: Visual Analytics of Economic Behavior Patterns in a Virtual Experimental Environment

Yuhua Liu, Yuming Ma, Qing Shi, Jin Wen, Wanjun Zheng, Xuanwu Yue, Zhiguang Zhou*, Ye Hang, Wei Chen, Yuwei Meng

Computer Graphics Forum, 2024, Accepted.


TimeTuner: Diagnosing Time Representations for Time-Series Forecasting with Counterfactual Explanations

Jianing Hao, Qing Shi, Yilin Ye, Wei Zeng*

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proc. IEEE VIS 2023), 2024.

[Paper] [Link] [Website] [Preview] [Video] [Slide]


MetroBUX: A Topology-based Visual Analytics for Bus Operational Uncertainty EXploration

Shishi Xiao†, Qing Shi†, Lingdan Shao, Bo Du, Yang Wang, Qiaomu Shen, Wei Zeng*

IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2024, Accepted.

[Paper] [Link]


Visual Analysis of Economic Decision-Making and Wealth Change under Simulated Situation

Liu Yuhua, Shi Qing, Zheng Fengling, Xie Wanying, Han Shuhuan, Zhou Zhiguang*

Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 2021 (Chinese).

[Paper] [Link]

πŸ“– Educations

  • The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou), 2024.09 - Present.
    • Master of Philosophy
    • Major in Computational Media and Arts
  • Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics, 2018.09 - 2022.06.
    • Bachelor of Engineering
    • Major in Software Engineering
    • Advised by Prof. Zhiguang Zhou and Prof. Yuhua Liu

πŸ’» Research Experience

  • Research Assistant, 2022.7-2023.12.
    • The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou), Computational Media and Arts Thrust
    • Advised by Prof. Wei Zeng
  • Research Assistant, 2022.7-2023.6.
    • Chinese Academy of Science, Shenzhen Instisution of Advanced Technology
    • Advised by Prof. Wei Zeng